After Mr Ali Tahiri left Microsoft North-Africa, no more dotnet community activities, today I were surprised that dotnet-Morocco site does not work any more, It has been long time that we didn't heard about a community meeting, now the site is closed. It is really a pity to make an end to that hard work of Arabs developers, all that articles and posts vaporized!
I hope is not the collaboration end of these North Africa people passionate by IT and Microsoft technologies.
2 commentaires:
Yeah! it's a shame really... I'm quite mad after Microsoft North Africa: THEY DON'T SEEM TO BE DOING ANYTHING to promote their technologies (even the great ones), add to that the fact that all their partners here suck...
DevArts to change things...
J'avais remarqué ça...
Je pensais que c'était un pb technique. Peut être que c'est le cas ?
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